
Social issues article for students 2022

 Social issues affect everyone, no matter who you are, where you live, or what your background may be. As students, it’s important to be knowledgeable about social issues that might affect you personally or the people around you so that you can ensure your voice is heard and work to make your community better than it was before. This list of five social issues every student should know about will give you a starting point for understanding the problems our society faces and how you can help.

1) Racial Inequality

Inequality can be measured in a variety of ways, and often inequalities manifest themselves on a macro scale. One such inequality is that between people of different races. This was graphically illustrated when recent census data from the United States showed that there are more white Americans without a high school degree than black Americans without one. Moreover, the median income for African-Americans is less than 60% of what it is for whites...Social issues article for students

Education: As we've seen before, the key to social mobility is education, so it's not surprising that this has been found to correlate with race as well. The percentage of African-Americans who have college degrees or higher has increased from 7% in 1976 to 19% today - still lagging behind whites at 29%.


2) The Gender Pay Gap

More than 80 years after the Equal Pay Act was signed, female workers in the U.S. continue to earn significantly less than their male counterparts and the gap is widening, according to a new analysis of a decades-long data set. Women on average are paid 23 percent less than men doing the same job. Yet they make up half of the American workforce and are overrepresented in lower-paying jobs such as home health aides or teaching assistants. The wage gap widens for black women (who make 63 cents per dollar) and Latinas (who make 54 cents)...Social issues article for students.


3) Climate Change

Climate change is a serious issue that may already be too late to fix. It's happening because we've been burning fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, oil) for centuries and heat-trapping carbon dioxide. These fuels emit have changed Earth's climate. The best thing you can do to help stop climate change is to stop using dirty fuels by taking public transportation, biking, or walking whenever possible.

4) LGBTQ Rights

In the US, LGBT individuals face social oppression in many forms. States can still deny them rights such as legal marriage and adoption. In this case, the Supreme Court would decide on a federal level if these rights should be provided to all citizens or not. Oppression is when an individual is discriminated against because of their identity. The LGBTQ community faces this discrimination daily, which is why people need to know about it. As long as there are people who are denied equal rights, then we have to keep fighting for change. There is a difference between sexuality and gender expression, with one being innate while the other changes over time. Social problems are everywhere around us. We need to solve it.


5) Voting

It is vital that everyone votes in each election. Despite what you may believe, your vote does count! Voting helps to ensure that our country remains democratic and stable. Keeping your voice heard and being a part of the process will make you feel more invested in your community and could affect the quality of life for everyone you know.

We indeed live in an advanced society, but discrimination is still very much alive. There are many different types of social justice movements happening all over the world. That people can be a part of, from Black Lives Matter to Malala Yousafzai's fight for girls' education. We all have different views on what equality should look like and how to achieve it.  This is why diversity and inclusion are so important when working together on social issues. The first step in fighting injustice begins with listening and understanding. Others' perspectives before making assumptions or judgments about them based on their backgrounds or identities.



It's important to stay informed of what is happening in the world and help where you can. These articles will provide a good starting point for anyone who wants to explore more. If any other social problems interest you, be sure to do your research. There are plenty of resources out there! The last thing I want to mention is how so many people forget about mental health problems. Mental health should not be overlooked when considering social problems because it affects so many people in different ways. The key here is finding your voice and sharing your story with others who might need it most. Here we read the Social issues article for students.


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