Justice for Girls Near Me 2022
Justice for Girls Near Me: Why We Need to Speak Up and Demand Change? Women, girls, and non-binary individuals need to be able to live their lives safely without fear of being sexually harassed or assaulted by those around them. This should be obvious, but unfortunately, it isn’t the case across the world. The most famous instances of sexual assault and harassment have led to worldwide protests and movements. But these are far from the only issues women face on a day-to-day basis.
Justice for Girls Near Me: Why We Need to Speak Up and Demand Change?
Recent news stories about sexual harassment and sexual assault have been dominating the media. However, I want to talk about how important it is to take action beyond just listening to what victims have had to say—because that’s not enough. We need to speak up and act out against sexual violence wherever we see it because it’s our responsibility as citizens to do so.
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Around the world, girls experience injustices every day. I recently discovered a growing movement through an organization called For Daughters, started by two girls in California. For Daughters' goal is to bring justice to girls in any way possible, through fundraising, awareness-raising efforts, and direct action campaigns. More importantly, they want girls everywhere who are touched by injustice — whether it be sexual assault or cancer, or depression —to know that they are not alone.
On Rape
These cases often involve sexual abuse, which is punishable under federal law with up to 30 years in prison. Each state also has laws in place against human trafficking that vary according to the crime committed.
Punishment may also be handed down by a judge at a civil trial, where monetary damages are paid out to victims. A victim may seek recovery for any losses incurred as a result of the violation, including pain and suffering. If a minor was sexually abused, he or she may sue until they or reach 18 years old. In all other circumstances, an individual must file suit before turning 21 years old. Victims have five years from the date they discover their injuries to file a claim; minors have 10 years following their 18th birthday
Approximately 13 million children are trafficked into forced labor each year. The majority of these kids are from low-income households.
Too many people think of rape as not being an issue or that it's not something they have to worry about because it doesn't happen where they live. That couldn't be farther from the truth. I know four girls in my community who were raped within the last year, one of them is a boy.
The truth is that rape happens near all of us, whether it's in our neighborhoods or halfway across the world.
On Sexual Harassment
Unwanted sexual contact, including non-contact offenses such as voyeurism, exposure, and verbal harassment is an international epidemic that affects an untold number of girls every day. This abuse has physical and psychological effects on its victims and can often lead to more intense or repeated victimization, substance abuse, self-injury, suicide ideation, attempts, depression, or anxiety disorders.
You are not alone. Your assailant may be a family member, neighbor, or friend.
On Girls Who Get Abused
Girls deserve justice, too.
No girl should be abused by the people who are supposed to love them. . This epidemic must be stopped. Please speak with a trustworthy adult or counselor if you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault. You don't have to suffer in silence. Support can help. Help can save lives.
On Women Who Can’t Walk Alone Safely
In the last five years, reports of assault against women have risen by 34%. The National Crime Victimization Survey conducted interviews with 10,000 people between the ages of 12 and 29. They found that 4 out of every 10 incidents occurred on a public sidewalk. The large-scale study also found that nearly 2/3 of females who were sexually assaulted in public did not report the incident because they didn't think they would be taken seriously or believed it would be too difficult.
On Physical Violence Against Women
Before the age of 18, sexual assault occurs on one in four girls. On average, it takes a girl 25 years to disclose their sexual assault, if they choose to do so at all. Let that sink in for a minute. 25 years of abuse followed by silence – maybe even denial – is too long. There's no excuse for violence against women and we need to address this in any way possible.
On Mental Abuse
Mental abuse can be verbal, physical, or sexual. It is perhaps the most damaging type of abuse as it often leaves behind permanent damage. The scars don't just disappear once the abuser moves on. Depression, PTSD, eating disorders and substance abuse are common symptoms of those who have suffered mental abuse.
On Women Denied an Education Due to Religious, Cultural, or Societal Factors
In the many regions where girls are denied an education, their knowledge about sexual violence and reproductive health are virtually nonexistent. The result is a high prevalence of chronic genital infection and cervical cancer--leading causes of death among young women. Educating girls could change this reality.
And, with more than two million Syrian refugees now living in Jordan, it is estimated that 2 out of 3 girls are not attending school because they have no way to get there or because they're discouraged from going by social pressure or disapproval.
The Problem Is Not Just India; This Is A Global Issue
The truth is that the problem of sexual violence in India is not just the problem of India. This is a global issue. Sexual violence violates girls’ human rights, which are violated every day in schools, homes, communities, and by military forces all over the world. Yet we often ignore this systematic abuse, talking about individual cases or countries instead of realizing that girls are being victimized everywhere ̶, especially those who live in developing countries with weaker infrastructure like India.
How Men Can Help
I encourage my male friends, relatives, coworkers, and classmates to listen when I speak. I invite them to ask themselves how they can be better allies in the fight against misogyny. This is important because we cannot create change if it doesn't come from both men and women speaking up together. Men who are not allies should know that there are many people out there ready to call them out on their misogyny. Joining forces with someone is never too late. These are incredibly important issues that need to be discussed so that we can create safer environments in which women and girls can live their lives without fear of being violated in this way. In this article, we read about justice for girls near me and now we need to take a step toward it.
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